Mac's Random Photos

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

OK... I've got a lot of pictures to upload going as far back as July. So bare with me. I'm going to save the best for last!!!

First, I found this little guy on TWY 'A' at work. it was about 4 AM and the UPS flight was about to go takeoff so I got a few shots of him. You can see how small he is compared to the penny. After I got some pictures, I moved him to the edge of the TWY so not to get run over or chopped to peices by the prop.

FOD, on an airport is a serious issue! Here you can see a lock from a bag has falled onto the ramp inside the safety area of an engine.

Here is a screw of some sort also a risk to aircraft.

So the Bomb Squad came out to the airport last week and practiced with a simulated bomb being found. Very educational! Here they are X-raying a suspicous bag left unattended....

Here they move bag by tieing a rope to it and pulling it from a safe distance away. The people in the background are just observes. If this were real, no one would be around (obviously).

Up the hatch.

"I caught a fish THIS big!!!"

Here they pull it into a bomb resistant container to transport it in. The guy in the background pulling the rope would normally be far away but since he would have been in the traffic, he "simulated" being "far away".

Here it is at a safe place to "detonate" the explosive. Well not really detonate, but shred it to peices so it won't detonate. Before...

After (I didn't get shots of it exploding b/c I was too busy hitting the button to detonate it.)

More peices.

So the next day, I was invited to the Police range where instead of blowing up little helpless bags, we would focus our attention now on cars!!!!!! This is a before shot of the car.


And this is the after shot!!!!!!! Now thats what I'm talkin' about!

The inside of the trunk through the huge gaping hole!

Now to another innocent car! Here is a before image of the side.

Here they are placing a simulated bomb in the back seat (OK so realy its a old Microwave oven... Honestly what did it do to anyone to diserve this fate?).

BOOM!!!!! (I love saying that!)

And this is the aftermath.
the other side.

What is left of the microwave.

Again, its trashed!

So meanwhile, back at work, while doing a perimeter, I came across these!!!! African Killer Bees!!!! So they swarmed onto a branch. Fortunately I have a descent zoom and was in a car so if they started to move I could hit the accelerator and get out!!!!

I thought this was a cool shot of the runway.

OK.... Now I know Aaron and Jennie have been waiting patiently for me to post these. so before I do, let me apologize to anyone who has been waiting. I am sorry.... These are pictures from Aaron and Jennie's wedding on July 22, 2006. Again, I'm sorry for the wait.

Here we are at Aaron's Bachelor trip (no, not a party, but a trip). We all went down to VA Beach. (From Left to Right: Kevin Benedict (Best Man), Harlan Bennett (Groomsman), Me (Groomsman), Aaron Soderholm (The Groom!), Joshua Ozura (Groomsmand and brother of the bride), and Kris Kembro (Groomsman)).

Well, after a long day at the beach we went to eat at Captain George's (which by the way is excellent!). Here you can see Aaron and Kevin are exhausted.

Here we all are. In the background (next to me) you can see Aaron's stripper. OK so its Wallpaper stripper.... I still got him A stripper!

The next morning was the Wedding Rehearsal. As you can see, Aaron seems to be more preoccupied with his computer than anything else. I know if this were my wedding I would be going crazy. He really knows how to keep it cool....

So Aaron took me to his Honeymoon Spot to drop off the luggage. Here it is! This place is AWESOME!!!!!!

Aaron standing in front.

OH NO!!!! We're being invaded by flying ALIENS!!! OK, so its just a fly that flew in front of the camera while I was taking the picture.....

Here we are at the rehearsal.... Don't the lovely couple look excited?

Come on Aaron... Look excited... You're getting MARRIED for cryin' out loud!

Here is Jennie, and Gail Ozura (The Mother of the bride).

Here Aaron and Jennie are at a special seat of honor!

Wedding day! Here is Aaron. To bad I didn't get any shots of Jennie in her wedding dress. That was because I didn't really see her until the wedding started.

Here I am in my tux.

And here is a picture Aaron took. I think they said we needed to get inside so I started walking when he took the picture. I thought this was a FUNNY shot (I did a little photoshopping to edit out my tongue...)!!!

OK, so the wedding is over by this point. Here is the unity candle.

This is at the reception.

Bride and Groom wine glasses...

Wedding Cake.

The Bride and Groom.

Aaron's Uncle Randy and I toasting with Jack Daniel's!

Kevin, the Best Man, being..... well.... Best...

Aaron and I toasting to Jack (Man Law!)!

mmm mmm, Jack Daniel's!!

Aaron and Jennie during the toast.

Kevin giving the toast to Aaron and Jennie.

Cutting the cake.

Another shot of cutting the cake.

They were nice when they fed peices of the cake to each other. They didn't smear it all over each other.

Aaron and Jennie dancing!


Aaron and Jennie.............

Jennie dancing with Kris.

I love Jennie's expression in this picture. I must have been stepping on her toes.

more dancing....

Aaron with his bag full of gold.... OK, dollar bills from the Dollar Dance (Where you pay a dollar to dance with either the bride or groom).

Harlan being.... well... Harlan...

There getaway car..... Whip Cream.... Fortunately I didn't do this because I was inside......

OK, the next day, the Bride and Groom opened their wedding gifts. Here Aaron is christening his new Beer glasses!

Jennie opening a George Forman Grill!

Here is a silverware set.

I think Aaron really liked that gift!
And their wedding rings..... that's all folks


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