Mac's Random Photos

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

This is Lightning (MTSU's Mascot) in MY room watching TV!!! Notice he is sitting in my airline chairs! We had Lightning come and take pictures with the RAs of Area II during our staff Meeting on Monday Sept 27.

Here I am with Justin and Lightning representing Judd Hall here in Area II!

After the photo op, Lightning and I moseyed on over to the Cyber Cafe and ate. Here Lightning is taking a swallow of coke while downing his burger from Burger King.

After enjoying a the food and company of other students, Lightning decided to help out the Cyber employees. Here he is bagging groceries for this student.

After hanging out at the Cyber Cafe, Lightning traveled back over to Judd Hall and hung out with some of my residents! Here is jamming with Nick.

Nick is just so shocked to have a celebrity in his room he just can't stop pointing!

After hanging out in Nicks room he went down and decided to play some Halo with Wade.

Here Lightning poses with some of my residents and their friends in Wade and Cody's room.