My 5 year old cousing drew this picture of one of my Aunt and Uncle's cats. Do you notice anything peculiar about this picture? Stare at it long enough and see if you can guess what it is, then scroll all the way to the bottom to see the cat.
Ok, so its been a while since I put some pictures up. Last semester, during checkouts and finals, I found a bird around Smith Hall that would fly. So I put it in a shoe box and brought it back to my room and surfed the internet until I found the type of bird it was. Its called a Cedar Waxwing. This bird has a broke wing, so I took it to the vet that does rehab here in Murfreesboro.
Another shot of the bird.
Yet another. The right wing is broken (not pictured).
Well, like I said, during Christmas my 5 year old cousin drew a picture of one of my aunt and uncle's cats... here is another picture of a different cat using my macro lense.
ok... so you should have stared at the picture that my cousin Nancy-Jane drew. If you notice, she drew the funnel around Princess' face just like this picture. We lovingly call this cat "Funnel Face".
And here is another shot of "Funnel Face".