Mac's Random Photos

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Well, I've been in a picture taking mood lately. So I've taken a lot of pictures...

I begin with this one. The other day Mira ran up to me and sat down. The lamp I have cast a perfect shadow of her on the wall. So I was inspired to grab my camera and take some pictures. Fortunately she sat still while I left the shudder open for a second.

Here is another interesting shot of her. I call these "Mira's Alfred Hitchcock shots".

And here she is sitting in her bed acting all proper...

Here is the FedEx Fokker F-27 at MAF.

Here is the front of our terminal.

This is an old shot that I posted a while ago. But this is what the other side of the terminal looks like (Airside).

I was holding short of RWY 28 while Southwest was landing. So naturally I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Southwest Taking off RWY 28.

Doing the Safety Area Inspection has its advantages. One is the ATC has you hold short a lot for landing and departing traffic. This is a PERFECT time to get some pictures. Here a B-17 is holding short of RWY 28.

And here it is deparing with a B-25 behind it.

Here a B-25 is holding short RWY 28.

This is my favorite. I was on Taxiway 'Z', holding short for traffic. I did not edit this in anyway. I got completely lucky that the airplane is in the frame! I LOVE being this close to the action!