Mac's Random Photos

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I finally got my camera back from the repair shop and its still not full 100%, but a camera with a small problem is better than no camera at all..... Anyway, I bought a Springfield XD and joined a local shooting range.

This is my Springfield XD Sub-Compact. It is a 9mm semi-automatic pistol. The magazine in this picture holds 10 rounds.

This is the high compacity magazine with the grip extender with a side by side comparison with the 10 round. As you can see it can hold 15 rounds.

Here it is with the 10 round magazine.

and here it is with the 15 round. Notice it makes the grip longer so now your pinky won't hang off.

This was a hard shot to get b/c I was looking through the camera to take the picture. So thats why it not aimed properly. The target is from my Concealed Handgun License class. I couldn't stand further away for this picture because I was in my room of my apartment and I didn't have any more room, but it gets the point across.

I don't think I need to explain this.... It was just a fun shot.

I didn't like the "dull" background so I used adobe photoshop to remove it and add this grafitti wall to make it look..... better? I thought I'd share with you.