Well, I figured I would update my photoblog of some pictures I have taken in the past. Here are a few of them. I hope you enoy.
This is one of the first pictures I took with my Digital Camera. This is Sun Jata (pronounced Soon Yacht-a). He is a Sulcata Tortoise that I got in January. Right now he is a baby but will one day reach a size of 200 pounds!
As you can see, he is an eating machine. He loves clover flowers!
And Romaine Lettuce.
And almost anything green. As you can see, he eats out of our hands and will follow us around like a dog does. He's really friendly.
I took these shots on the Fourth of July. These were the first time I had ever tried taking pictures of fireworks. Some of them came out good, some not.
After I bought my camera, I was going to the mailbox when I noticed a dragon fly. I ran and got my camera and it flew off, then back then off then back. It evidentally didn't mind me taking its picture.
One night, before going to the internship, I saw this spider making a web next to my car. I so I snapped a few shots of it.
Before my grandfather died, we went to Houston, TX to visit him. While there, I took some of these pictures of the Anoles living in my grandmother's garden.
This is a picture of one of my snakes (yes I have alot of pets, I like animals, what can I say).
My digital camera has a macro lense, so I went out and took pictures of some of my mom's flowers.
I went to the zoo and took some pictures there this past summer. These are some of the better ones I took.
I took this pictures at the airport. Its amazing how this bird blends in with the asphault it was sitting on (This bird is alive).
This summer, when I was not at work or the internship I got a chance to go downtown. This is Autozone Park (in case you couldn't tell by the giant red letters that say (Autozone Park).
Here I am holding my newest niece Elizabeth this past summer.
This is my dad holding Elizabeth.
This is my personal favorite picture that I've taken. This is Elizabeth holding my Pop pop's (my dad's) thumb.
Here you can actually see my dad holding Elizabeth.
Elizabeth looks like she doesn't mind having her picture taken.
This is Elizabeth's ear.
This is Emily (my other niece) holding her baby sister Elizabeth.
This is one of the first pictures I took with my Digital Camera. This is Sun Jata (pronounced Soon Yacht-a). He is a Sulcata Tortoise that I got in January. Right now he is a baby but will one day reach a size of 200 pounds!
As you can see, he is an eating machine. He loves clover flowers!
And Romaine Lettuce.
And almost anything green. As you can see, he eats out of our hands and will follow us around like a dog does. He's really friendly.
I took these shots on the Fourth of July. These were the first time I had ever tried taking pictures of fireworks. Some of them came out good, some not.
After I bought my camera, I was going to the mailbox when I noticed a dragon fly. I ran and got my camera and it flew off, then back then off then back. It evidentally didn't mind me taking its picture.
One night, before going to the internship, I saw this spider making a web next to my car. I so I snapped a few shots of it.
Before my grandfather died, we went to Houston, TX to visit him. While there, I took some of these pictures of the Anoles living in my grandmother's garden.
This is a picture of one of my snakes (yes I have alot of pets, I like animals, what can I say).
My digital camera has a macro lense, so I went out and took pictures of some of my mom's flowers.
I went to the zoo and took some pictures there this past summer. These are some of the better ones I took.
I took this pictures at the airport. Its amazing how this bird blends in with the asphault it was sitting on (This bird is alive).
This summer, when I was not at work or the internship I got a chance to go downtown. This is Autozone Park (in case you couldn't tell by the giant red letters that say (Autozone Park).
Here I am holding my newest niece Elizabeth this past summer.
This is my dad holding Elizabeth.
This is my personal favorite picture that I've taken. This is Elizabeth holding my Pop pop's (my dad's) thumb.
Here you can actually see my dad holding Elizabeth.
Elizabeth looks like she doesn't mind having her picture taken.
This is Elizabeth's ear.
This is Emily (my other niece) holding her baby sister Elizabeth.